moped riders vs cyclists road rage
YouTube: Denver7 – The Denver Channel

WATCH: Scooter Road Rage Fight With Cyclist Makes Everyone Look Stupid

It should pretty much go without saying that road rage fights of any kind are reprehensible. By engaging in them, not only are you putting yourself and everyone else in the near vicinity in danger, but you're just flat-out embarrassing yourself.

That being said, as far as embarrassing road rage incidents go, every single person involved in the below dust-up that went down in Denver, Colorado should be ashamed on a whole other level. On one side, you've got some pissed-off cyclists. On the other, you've got a couple of riled-up moped riders. Throw in the fact that everyone is middle-aged, and definitely should know better, and the entire scene is so ridiculous, it's almost hilarious. Ok, not almost. It's actually hilarious.

Read More: This Road Rage Photo Isn't What It Seems, Guy Holding Gun Speaks Out

Per The Denver Channel:

Video sent in by a Denver7 viewer shows the fight begin over what looks like a dispute over who had the right of way at a stop sign.

Emotions escalate seconds later, and in the video, people begin pushing, yelling, and throwing punches.

Video sent in by a Denver7 viewer shows the fight begin over what looks like a dispute over who had the right of way at a stop sign.

Emotions escalate seconds later, and in the video, people begin pushing, yelling, and throwing punches.

Fight! Fight! Fight! As the ABC 7 Denver anchor perfectly puts it, the brawl was "not a good look for anybody." Once you start kicking people while they're down, you've reached full Lord of the Flies-style deescalation. No coming back from that chaos.

And, to think, it was all over who had the right of way at a stop sign. I mean, come on people! We live in a society!

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