camaro up telephone pole
YouTube: ViralHog

Camaro Drives Up Telephone Pole After Constant Brake Checking

Occasionally, karma is absurdly direct. The nameless Camaro driver in the above video falls victim to a combination of karmic justice and his own stupidity after unintentionally attempting to climb a telephone pole in his car.

The video starts normally, with some strange dual dashcam setup that makes you feel a bit nauseous. But, soon, the culprit -- a black Camaro -- appears on the scene. The Camaro speeds by, slows to a crawl, brake checks the tailing car three times, and almost collides with someone coming out of a parking lot.

It's likely at this point that the driver tailing the erratic car realized that he's not dealing with a pro.

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The Camaro owner stops to contemplate his next move at a red light. Should he continue driving like an idiot? Maybe he should switch to retiree driving mode and crawl along at 10 below the speed limit? Or, maybe, perhaps he should try to Evel Knievel it over the road, using a telephone pole as a ramp. Definitely the last one; you wouldn't be a good driver if you didn't immediately scream, "Three!" and gun it.

And, that's exactly what Camaro guy did, and Camaro guy got stuck, and then he tried in vain to reverse out of it like nothing happened.

According to the video's uploader, "the driver was helped from the car and stayed at the scene until police arrived. When he first spoke to the police, he admitted to having had at least one beer. He repeatedly said he didn't know what happened, that he was just going around the corner."

Just going around the corner? Talk about the oldest excuse in the book!

This post was originally published on June 7, 2017.

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