biker fights drunk guy
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Motorcyclist Drops Drunk Guy Who Tried Picking a Fight

Oh, road rage, So very popular in videos, such a bad idea in real life. It really never ends well.

Look up "hardass" in the dictionary and, underneath the definition, you'll find a collage of the people that instigate road rage. Like the jerk in the above video, who thought it was a good idea to lay hands on a woman. Big mistake, pal. BIG mistake.

Just look at the guy's face.

This is the face of a dude who knows he seriously messed up.

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Frankly, he got off pretty easy. The fact that the motorcyclist didn't break Mr. Tough Guy's jaw is a serious lesson in restraint. He did give him a pretty stern talking to and had video evidence to back up his position when the cops eventually showed up.

As you can from the above video, the biker ended up getting punched in the head by the wild-eyed, middle-aged man, before swiftly taking that man to the ground. The attacker apparently thought the biker cut him off in traffic and, for some reason, decided to also shove the biker's girlfriend, who, according to her boyfriend, weighed about 100 pounds. Nobody's going to take Baldy's side after that.

The older man later admitted that there was whiskey involved, and he also suffered a broken ankle during the incident. That may have prevented him from going directly to jail. He later faced charges that included assault, disorderly conduct, threats, endangerment, and impaired driving.

Also, while it's not a crime, you could also tack on poor judgment in the first degree to that laundry list of charges.

This post was originally published on January 4, 2019.

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