Volvo Terror

Volvo Terror Tractor Is an Off-roading Machine

I don't know what it is about folks in Scandinavian countries that makes them such off-roading gurus. It probably has a lot to do with their heavy reliance on agriculture or something to that effect, but whether it's tractor pulling in Denmark or Formula Off-roading in Norway, Scandinavians know how to off-road with the best of them and look like they're having a hell of a lot of fun in the process.

Considering Scandinavia's apparent love affair with all things off road, it's only natural, then, that Sweden gets into the mix.

Back in 2012, a one Mikael Karlsson put a b21et turbo-powered petrol engine from a Volvo 240 turbo into his orange farm tractor aptly named "Terror." In footage uploaded to YouTube, Karlsson tears up a countryside in Sweden in the Terror Tractor, while also performing a couple burnouts and showing off his max speed capabilities.

Tell me this doesn't look like an absolute blast, and I'm telling you that you're a liar.

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Volvo Terror is right. Just listen to the turbo engine on this beast. Seriously, those Swedes really know what they're doing when it comes to off-roading activities.

If you're interested in checking out some recent off-roading hijinks from Karlsson, here's a video of him and a few of his buddies trying their damndest to get stuck in the mud.

Speaking of off-roading in Sweden, if you think this is the craziest sort of shenanigans they do, then you're sorely mistaken. Take this Stage 6 Formula Off-road track, for example. It looks like an unbeatable video game level, but this extreme version of mountain climbing is the real deal.

I don't know how you'd go about getting tickets to something like this, but sign me up.

Read More: Formula Off Road - Skien, Norway!