kitten rescue

Incredible Bodycam Footage Shows Missouri Cop Rescue Kitten from Busy Highway

It seems like less and less these days that we get to see positive and uplifting news stories, so this spirit-lifting tail (Get it? We're using animal puns now.) out of Missouri definitely offers a much-needed escape from the regular doom and gloom we tend to get served up on a regular basis.

Police bodycam footage shows the moment on December 20, 2018 when police officer Jason Smith rescued a kitten that was stranded on a concrete barrier in the middle of the I-29 highway in North Kansas City. Considering that the barrier the little frightened fluff ball was trapped on happened to be smack dab in the middle of six lanes of traffic, Smith was definitely in the right place at the right time.

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As if the moment of the actual rescue doesn't tug on your heart strings enough as is, later footage shows the kitten snuggling up on Officer Smith's lap and setting off his cruiser's lights and sirens in the process. I mean, it doesn't really get much more adorable than that. You'd be hard pressed to find a movie with a scene as endearing as that less than 45-second bodycam video. Eat your heart out, Disney.

Oh, and on top of all that? The Smith family ended up adopting the lost kitten and naming it Bella, according to KMBC. If you didn't believe in Christmas miracles before, you better start believing.

Well, I guess that's a wrap folks. Time to pack it up. This is probably the most heartwarming news story you'll read all week.

This post was originally published on August 27, 2019.

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