2,400-HP Semi Truck Drifting
YouTube: Hoonigan Daily Transmission

2,400-HP Semi Truck Shreds Rubber in Stunt Driving Session


The Hoonigans are at it again with another ridiculous video that won't just blow your socks off, but will take your damn shoes along with it. For this high-octane video, they recruited stunt driver Mike Ryan, who, besides being an avid Pikes Peak racer, has lent his talents to such films as Terminator 2, Independence Day, Rush Hour 3, Training Day, Fast and the Furious, and The Avengers. That's a pretty impressive résumé, to say the least.

Once you see what Ryan can do with this 2,400 horsepower triple compound turbo semi-truck, you probably won't need much more proof that this guy is the real deal. But, just take a quick look at the specs of the monstrous machine that he's commandeering, and you'll see that he's definitely got plenty to work with.

Per Jalopnik:

Ryan mentioned its roughly 2,400 HP, estimated 4,000 lb-ft of torque (take that, Ram Heavy Duty), and 1,800 pounds of downforce at 80 mph at sea level--almost as much as a 2016 NASCAR Cup Series race car. Ryan mentions sea level because he races in hillclimbs with his semis, as one does.

This particular truck, Ryan said, has a double-wide, short-course Champ Car wing from the late 1990s and a scale-busting weight of about 10,700 to 10,800 pounds--more than twice that of the current Ram 1500.

Honestly, I could watch Mike Ryan drive this beastly triple turbo semi around in circles and burn rubber for hours, but it would also be cool to see what it's capable of doing on a drag strip. Pit this thing against a souped-up sports car and let's see what it can do. At the very least, we need to see how it stacks up in a tug of war contest. With the crazy amount of torque that it's packing, this thing would 100% go undefeated.

This post was originally published on April 23, 2019.

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