Ohio Road Rage

Angry Ohio Driver Lays Down Brutal Beating in Road Rage Video

After watching this video of an Ohio road rage incident, one thing is pretty clear: some people need to learn how to stay down. There's an old saying when it comes to road rage fights, and it's "If at first you don't succeed, just stop trying."

The guy in the blue probably should've heeded that advice, because while Round 1 of the fight only basically leads to him getting lightly shoved to the ground, Round 2 ends in the guy getting knocked out with a devastating left and then getting clipped by the car to top it all off.

Not much background is given to the middle-of-the-intersection dustup, other than what the guy who uploaded the footage provides in the video description.

Per LiveLeak:

I saw them fighting when I was coming up to the yellow light then it turned red. As I approach the intersection of 21st Street and Broadway Avenue in Lorain Ohio they were already fighting.

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Considering that the guy filming the whole thing is just excitedly screaming "Holy shit!" the entire time, he doesn't seem all that concerned with breaking up the scrap. To be honest, it was probably the most excitement he got all week.

Now, the real star of the show here is, without a doubt, the old lady just picking up the spare change while the beatdown goes down merely feet away from her. It's rare to see someone have that much calm focus in such a high-stress situation, but clearly this lady has seen a fair share of street scraps in her day.

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