wind generator blade slams through truck
YouTube: ViralHog

Wind Generator Blade Slams Through Ford F-250

Holy cow, take a look at this madness that occurred just last month in Sundance, Wyoming. This Ford pickup truck gets stuck in quite an unfortunate situation, after a wind turbine blade goes straight through the truck's cab, which later resulted in it catching fire.

The video starts off right in the middle of the action, but luckily this mishap is explained a little further in the description section. Apparently, the semi truck pulling the cattle trailer, which can be seen in the video, was the initial cause of the accident. The trucker struck the wind turbine blade as it was crossing through an intersection, resulting in it slicing through the livestock trailer and slamming directly into the Ford F-250, which was acting as the pilot vehicle for the large cargo.

The semi hauling the blade flipped to its side, but regardless of the flaming carnage that was left behind, it appears as if everyone made it out of the situation alright. Safe to say that this created quite a traffic jam until things were able to get cleaned up. Towards the end of the video, we see the fire department stepping in to put out the flames before they were able to spread any further. Even still, getting these three vehicles unstuck from each other definitely seem to be a challenge itself.

Snowy and icy conditions certainly didn't help. This is why it's incredibly important to pay extra close attention to the roadways when driving through this type of weather. I'm still a bit unsure how the cattle truck driver didn't notice a giant blade crossing the road, but I would imagine whoever was found at fault felt their mistake in the wallet. Luckily, there were no fatalities, but this just goes to show you never know what might happen out on the roads.

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