Trucker Locks Up Trailer Brakes, Slides Through Traffic
YouTube: ViralHog

Trucker Locks Up Trailer Brakes, Slides Through Traffic

Coming to you from Sydney, Australia, we've got dashcam footage of a truck driver who nearly avoided absolute disaster, but still came away from the incident looking like a complete and total jackass.

It all went down on March 2017, and as you can see from the video, captured by another truck driver, the renegade trucker almost took out an entire row of cars after he came in way too hot and locked up his trailer brakes.

"I was driving my heavy vehicle at the time, with my Dash Cam recording another truck driver, driving like a maniac," writes the video's uploader. "When I pulled over and immediately uploaded it to my mobile device."

Read More: Driver Goes on Expletive-Filled Rant Against Truckers

There are a few ways to interpret this truck and trailer sliding through traffic with its trailer brakes locked. The first is that maybe the driver overheated his brakes down the hill and wasn't prepared for the stopping traffic and pulled off a heroic save. That's not what happened here. The second way to explain what just happened is that this truck driver forgot he was carrying a trailer and didn't realize he was nearly running everyone off the road just to make his turn. Possible, but still giving him too much credit.

What we are most likely witnessing here is a guy who thinks he's a great driver because he was able to get across three lanes in heavy traffic, totally oblivious to the carnage that was only avoided because the other drivers got out of this madman's way. And then he drives off as if nothing happened. We all know drivers like this, they just aren't usually driving massive trucks.

This post was originally published on March 14, 2017.

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