truck crash
YouTube: ViralHog

Elderly Driver's Wrong Turn Causes Devastating Truck Crash

One wrong turn.

That's all it takes for an otherwise peaceful drive to turn potentially deadly in a matter of seconds. It's also part of what makes driving such a serious and terrifying endeavor. You can be the most skilled and cautious driver in the world, but someone else's boneheaded decision at the last moment can end up spelling disaster for the both of you.

That's what ended up happening in Kalispell, Montana back in June, when the elderly driver of a pickup truck pulled right in front of a dump truck driver, causing an intense crash. Fortunately, neither drivers were seriously injured.

Here's a little bit of background to the incident, according to the son of the dump truck driver, who uploaded the video to YouTube

"My dad was driving back to the yard for another load of gravel when the elderly gentleman pulled in front of him," the video's description reads. "My dad has been driving a truck for 22 years and this is his first accident. Everyone involved walked away. This was the elderly gentleman's third accident he has caused in 2020."

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Did you see that? It was the guy's THIRD crash in only six months. You know what they say about crashes. Crash into me once, shame on you. Crash into me twice, shame on me. Crash into me three times, I should probably have my driver's license taken away.

In all seriousness though, this guy should definitely be off the road, if only to ensure the safety of himself and others. I'm sure he wasn't always a terrible driver, but it's clearly time to hang it up, before he gets himself or someone else really hurt. Or worse.

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