lawnmower prank

Lawnmower Prank Causes Absolute Pandemonium

The remote control lawnmower prank is one with a simple premise, but a complicated execution. Of course, you have to go through the whole process of actually building a lawnmower that can operate via remote control. Not an easy feat unless you're a pretty competent engineer. Once you build the thing though, it's as simple as just hiding close by, working the mower with the remote control, and waiting for people to come to you. Then you've got yourself the makings for the greatest prank ever.

Now, this particular remote control lawnmower prank courtesy of the jokesters over at Team Teryx was just about as effective of a lawnmower prank as you can get. I mean, when you get the cops to show up (and don't end up getting arrested), you can pretty much guarantee that your prank was a smashing success.

Read More: You Know You're a Redneck When You Drunk Drive a Lawn Mower and Get Yourself Tased

It's a good thing that just about everyone, including the responding police officer, was able to pretty much laugh the whole thing off. Nothing ruins a good prank video like someone who takes it way too seriously and ends up causing a scene.

Speaking of causing a scene, the absolute best part about the prank was watching people trying to chase down the mower and attempt to switch it off. Just absolute comedy gold.

There is one thing that could have taken this whole thing from a funny video to an absolute disaster, and that's someone getting run over by the lawnmower. Fortunately, that didn't happen, but if you check out the video below, it looks like it came awfully close to happening to one concerned citizen.

Thankfully, the only casualty from this prank was a bruised ego or two.

This post was originally published on October 22, 2018.

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