steve jobs yacht
YouTube: Salty Sea Chef

Steve Jobs Never Got to Sail in His $120 Million Superyacht

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs certainly changed the world before he passed in 2011. Due to his success as a pioneer in the personal computer era, he made quite a sizable fortune for himself and his family. So, what exactly do you do when you're a billionaire? Well, you'll find that most go out and buy a luxury yacht for starters.

However, this is Steve Jobs we're talking about, so some ordinary yacht just wasn't going to cut it. Instead, he came up with the idea for his superyacht Venus. Coming in at a massive 256 feet, this thing is extremely unique looking, so I'd say they hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately, the project wasn't officially done and in the water for the first time until 2012, a year after his death, so he never got to witness its maiden voyage.

Take a look at this video of the magnificent vessel from 2016 and tell me it's not impressive.

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Venus: A Look at Steve Jobs' Yacht

Jobs partnered with French designer Philippe Starck to create the megayacht. Once they figured everything out, the actual construction of Venus was passed onto Feadship, a Dutch shipyard company. When it was all said and done, it ended up costing around $120 million to complete.

It was named Venus after the Roman goddess of love, which only seems fitting. The yacht features a streamline aluminum hull, paying homage to many of the devices sold in the Apple stores. It boasts 40-foot floor-to-ceiling windows and a 75-foot curved glass in the cockpit. In order to pilot this massive machine, it uses 27-inch iMac screens, where you'll find all the control panels. Specific details on the furnishings inside are less common to come across.

Steve Jobs' yacht is now owned by his widow Laurene Powell Jobs, and she's been seen using it on more than one occasion. Of course, with a vessel this large, it comes with a full staff, private chefs, and some comfortable bedrooms, among many other luxuries. That seems like it'd be one hell of a vacation, so it's good to see they're actually getting a some use out of it. I'm sure Jobs would be proud.

Interestingly, Venus was actually impounded in the Netherlands at the Port of Amsterdam after a payment dispute. Starck claimed that Jobs' heirs still owed him around $3.6 million for the completion of the yacht. This was only a portion of his actual fee, but the issue was resolved shortly after.

From iPod to iPhone to yachts, Jobs was no minimalist. The Apple founder put his all into everything, and it usually resulted in something revolutionary. This superyacht is no exception. It's a beautiful work of art for an extraordinary human being. Who knows where we'd be today if we didn't have the constant technological push that Jobs demonstrated?

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