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Danica Patrick has little good to say about her time in England and how it changed her

In her early days of racing, Danica Patrick took a trip across the pond to England to further her career in racing.

She said she was told she'd learn more about racing in one year there than she could learn in five years here in the U.S. So at the age of sixteen, she dropped out of high school and moved to the U.K. for three years to learn and gain experience.

But, as she noted on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, her memories of that time are not good ones.

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"They said I could learn more in one year than I could in five in America, and it was not true at all, but I did it anyway," Patrick said. "I grew a lot."

"I learned more there in one year than in five years in America from a personal standpoint. I went over and I was very open, unguarded, would tell anyone anything," added Patrick. "I got hurt a lot, I hated men after that."

Patrick said that during her time in England she didn't meet too many people she liked. She said it's possible it could've been her environment but after she left nobody kept in touch.

"I came home and my parents described me as very guarded and very cold. One of the hardest things in life is figuring out who you are, who you are as a person, instead of what culture has told you."