Danica Patrick sees herself in a much different way moving into the future

Danica Patrick is no stranger to eating healthy, exercising, and encompassing a life of wellness in general.

With her racing career coming to an end in the near future, she's sharing what she has her sights set on next. Her book Pretty Intense was just released a few days ago, and the book covers workout plans, recipes, and motivation.

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Patrick has built a name for herself that will extend far beyond racing. In a recent interview with ESPNW, Patrick says that she sees herself as a brand, more specifically a wellness brand.

"I see myself as a wellness brand," Patrick said. "Everything from mental and physical wellness to food wellness."

"Wellness in general, that's how I'd like my brand to be identified in the future," added Patrick.

She talks about how when some people retire, they don't quite know what the next step is, for her that's not the case.

"Retirement looks bright," Patrick said. "I think many people retire and don't know what they're going to do next and have to figure it out, but I know what I'm going to do."

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Patrick also discussed other aspirations such as having her own cooking show. She even showcased 50 of her recipes in the new book. Patrick has been an avid practitioner of yoga for years and credits it with helping her with strength and conditioning.

For years, she's been working towards becoming a wellness brand. With her background and dedication, she's easily on her way to becoming a force to be reckoned with in the industry.