These are our automotive resolutions for the new year

We made it! 2017 is finally coming to a close. And what would a new year be without resolutions? It doesn't matter how 2017 went, 2018 is a fresh start and we want to start off on the right foot.

We think we have pretty common aspirations for the new year. Like everyone else, we want to lose weight, exercise and maybe quit smoking. But that's where the similarities end.

Us car guys and gals are wired just a tad differently than the rest of the world.

For proof, look no further than our 2018 New Year's resolutions:

Exercise more - Like we said, we want to make sure we get a lot more exercise, and our cars need some too. At least once a week, we will give our car a full throttle run up an on-ramp. Clutching as we row through the gears counts as leg day, right?

Make new friends - If you're anything like us, you did not make it to nearly enough car meets this year. How are we supposed to keep the community alive and well if we aren't participating ourselves? Any time two or more car geeks are meeting, we want to be there.

Quit Smoking - Focus RS owners can relate.

Learn something new - We have always wanted to perfect the J-turn. There are plenty of videos that explain just how to do it, we just need to find a big enough parking lot.

Finally settle down - No more playing the field for us, we want to get a project car and see the build all the way through to the end.

Drink less - There is no shame in an econo-box that gets good gas mileage for the daily commute. We will just be social drinkers, saving the gas guzzling sports car for the weekends.

Lose those last few pounds - A project car doesn't need AC, or power steering, or sound insulation, or back seats. Shed that weight, and keep it off!


Here's hoping we can keep these resolutions a little longer than the typical person, because we don't want to be right back here next year, not knowing how to pull off a Rockford.

Related: Channel your inner Jim Rockford by learning how to J-turn