Pollution Protestor Backflip

Pollution Protester Ends Traffic-Causing Tomfoolery with Crazy Stunt

Only in Los Angeles, California would a pollution protestor scale exit signs and cause bumper-to-bumper traffic.

Yep, you read that right.

Early Wednesday morning, the shirtless man with the terrible, awful, no-good plan camped out on the signs to spread his anti-pollution message, effectively backing up traffic on the 110 highway near downtown LA, according to Jalopnik.


First responders were fairly quick to arrive on-scene, as the bullhorn-wielding environmentalist, who apparently goes by Dephree, loudly spread his message with the assistance of such signs as "Fight Pollution, Not Each Other" and "Give a Hoot, Don't Pollute."

Just when you thought it couldn't get any crazier than that, Dephree decided to end his traffic-causing demonstration by backflipping onto a inflatable cushion set up by responders.

This is probably one of the craziest methods we've seen someone use to cause traffic since that one Houston, Texas woman got naked and danced around on a big rig a couple years back.

It's highly doubtful that Dephree and Big Rig Lady are related in anyway, but there has to be something in their drinking water, because those folks are damn near crazier than rats in an outhouse.

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