A Nascar driver crashed out racing a bunch of middle school teachers

Aric Almirola might want to stick to stock cars, because his tricycle racing skills leave a lot to be desired.

Almirola was speaking at the Florida middle school both of his parents attended, telling the students about the importance of education and hard work per Tampa Bay Times. Typical stuff, really. But then there was a race.

Almirola raced tricycles against faculty around the gym, and was doing great. He finished the first lap in the lead, but then got loose, collided with some lap traffic and flipped over.

When asked if team boss Tony Stewart would be upset about his non-NASCAR competition and crash, Almirola said, "Oh, he's wiped out way worse in sprint cars and dirt dune buggies. He's not going to say anything."

Taking a spill on a tricycle is a small price to pay for connecting with the kids for Almirola.

"I'm a big kid, so this is just fun..." he said. "Then on top of that, just to be here with these students and show them I'm a real person. I'm just like them. I grew up in the same streets they did. There's opportunities out there in this world for you if you just follow your passion, follow your dreams and work hard."

Related: Aric almirola gives a warning that seems to rub a rival the wrong way