YouTube: Stuntexru

ATV Rider Wins Stunt Contest With Crazy Acrobatics


Back in 2017, professional ATV stunt rider Griha Taldikin organized Quad Battle, which was reportedly the first Russian quad stunt riding competition. Conveniently enough, Taldikin also ended up winning that inaugural contest, held on the Monino Airfield in Moscow. According to Stuntex, "the spot was small, so [he] was not able to make wide drifts and fast coasters."

Even with the limitations caused by the venue, Taldikin was still able to pull off some ridiculously impressive acrobatic moves. The kind that your average ATV rider definitely shouldn't try at home. As if his precise spin moves aren't dizzying enough, Taldikin shows off incredible upper body strength and balance with some of his high-flying handlebar stunts. I can't even begin to imagine how long it took him to perfect some of these moves!

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As Stuntex pointed out in its coverage of the event, "the second place was taken by Valera Kulesha, who was more aggressive, but lost in complexity and diversity." In other words, aggressive riding may look super cool, but finesse wins championships.

At the following year's Quad Battle, Taldikin also ended up walking away with first place, though it seems like his stunt riding contest may have only been a two-time thing, as there doesn't seem to have been any subsequent Quad Battles after 2018. Maybe all the other competitors got sick of watching Taldikin win. While that could very well be the case, we don't think we could ever get sick of watching Taldikin do his thing on a quad.

Speaking of that, judging from this below video of him doing some winter quad stunt riding, the two-time Quad Battle winner looks to be, what you might call, a man for all seasons.

A quick YouTube search shows that the stunt rider hasn't really done too much recently, which is a real shame. We need more Quad Battles!

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