Florida man calmly goes on a rampage against an AT&T truck

Florida resident Jorge Jove had seen enough of the AT&T trucks parked outside his home.

So, the 64-year-old retired firefighter from Hialeh, Florida walked out of his house with a revolver and fired off 18 shots at the tires and engine of the trucks like Anton Chigurh from No County for Old Men.

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An AT&T worker, later identified as technician Derrick Taylor, filmed the incident while calling the police.

"He's shooting the truck right now," Taylor said. "There's a guy shooting the tires and shooting the engines and everything."

No one was injured, and charges are pending against Jove according to the Miami Herald.

Jove was reportedly "upset" about the truck being parked in front of his driveway. One of his neighbors told WVSN that she was surprised at the outburst from Jove, and she said he is an "impeccable man."

Luckily no one was injured. The AT&T drivers will probably try to park their trucks elsewhere next time they're in Jove's neighborhood.

(h/t Jalopnik)