NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 30: A driver uses a phone while behind the wheel of a car on April 30, 2016 in New York City. As accidents involving drivers using phones or other personal devices mount across the country, New York lawmakers have proposed a new test called the Textalyzer to help curb mobile phone usage behind the wheel. Similar to a Breathalyzer test, the Textalyzer would allow police to request phones from drivers involved in accidents and then determine if the phone had been used while the drivers operated their vehicles. The controversial bill is currently in the early committee stage. According to statistics, In 2014 431,000 people were injured and 3,179 were killed in car accidents involving distracted drivers. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

One American city has banned texting while crossing the street

Everyone knows that texting and driving is dangerous, but one American city has decided to take a stand on texting and walking.

Honolulu, Hawaii has passed a law starting on Wednesday, Oct. 25 that will make texting and walking across the street illegal. According to the New York Times, police can fine people up to $35 if they're caught checking their phones while crossing an intersection in the city.

Brandon Elefante, the city council member who proposed the bill, told the Times it is a "milestone legislation."

"This is really milestone legislation that sets the bar high for safety," he said.

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Cities elsewhere in the United States have attempted to pass similar legislation, but those attempts have been unsuccessful.

The Times reported that pedestrian deaths rose nearly 10 percent in 2016, though they couldn't link that climb to texting while walking.

It technically should be common sense to avoid looking down at your phone while walking across the street, but at this point it's probably second nature for people. Texting and driving is certainly dangerous, but that also doesn't stop millions of Americans from doing it every day.

A $35 fine isn't that steep considering the alternative could be being hit by a car.