A major American car company is trying to avoid a massive recall

There are about 2.5 million Fords roaming around our streets and neighborhoods, carrying something nefarious . . . defective Takata airbags . . . . at this point we can just assume that all Takata airbags are defective.

2.5 million cars would make for a pretty large recall, so it's sort of understandable that Ford is doing everything within its power to avoid a full recall. Spokesperson John Cangany said via The Drive that the company will continue to test the airbags in question, but that it's a bit early to consider a mass recall.

Hopefully, their testing will be rigorous, because Takata airbags have already been tied to 17 deaths, and it only takes the appearance of negligence regarding an issue like this to tarnish a company's name forever.

Currently, the airbags are affecting a variety of cars, trucks, and crossovers under the Ford, Mercury, and Lincoln badges.

It's likely that a limited recall could appear on the horizon though. Testing from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration showed that the propellant used in the airbags is degrading.

Anyway, have fun in your Fords!

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