This woman traded nothing but a packet of fast food sauce for a car

What's the most you ever got out of a trade? Shoes, help moving, dinner? How about a car? How about a car for a pack of sauce from McDonald's?

It sounds ridiculous because it is.

Rick and Morty fans are really into the show, and McDonald's caught wind of that after the season 3 premiere back in April. The episode dedicated a 30-second skit to the 1998 limited release of the fast food chain's Szechuan sauce. Fans lost their damn minds, and an internet campaign, completely separate from the actual show, begged to have the sauce re-released.

McDonald's saw an easy marketing opportunity and ran a one-day campaign, bringing back the sauce. It was utter chaos. Stores quickly ran out, and fans reacted . . . poorly.

Some people were able to get the sauce and hold onto it. At that point, it became gold, which is probably why Rachel Marie from Macomb, Michigan, was able to trade her single packet of sauce for a 2004 Volkswagen GTI.

That definitely qualifies as a trade up.

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