hilarious road commentary
Mel Spiers

This Guy Was JACKED UP to See a Crazy Road Rage Confrontation


As you're probably well aware of by now, driving can really bring out the absolute worst in people. Everyone has to make a ton of decisions in a short span of time, and the whole world is in a hurry. When you're inconvenienced on the road, it's easy to see red, but you shouldn't be taking out your anger by flipping out on other people.

Of course, the key word here is shouldn't, but real life isn't sunshine and rainbows. Piss off the wrong person on the road, and things could escalate drastically. Road rage just happens to be a harsh reality, but no one likes to see it. Well, except for the guy in the video below.

Read More: This Biker Absolutely BLEW UP on a Driver After She Almost Sideswiped Him

The excited road rage spectator, whose commentary was filmed by his wife, could barely contain himself when he saw a major altercation happening close by. It was like he was settling into to watch the fight of the century on pay-per-view.

"Oh my God, this is the best day ever!" he shouts, as one car bumps another out of the way at a light. "We're gonna watch somebody get murdered!"

This guy must've been having quite the boring week if he was excitedly cheering for road murder. Not to mention, judging from his wife's "Shhhh, you're gonna wake him up" comment, they had a baby on board. Parenting 101: When transporting a baby in a vehicle, it's best to drive in the opposite direction of road rage.

Thankfully, no one ended up dead or really even injured in the slightest, but at least this guy still got some entertainment for free.

Read More: Road Rage Round-up: Motorcycle Mayhem Goes Down in Santa Clarita, Cab Driver Throws Down in New York City, and Cyclists Take on an Angry Driver in the UK