tape tires
YouTube: Garage 54

Will 600 Roles of Tape Work as Effective Tire Replacements?


If you're ever bored and mindlessly searching through YouTube, there are hundreds and hundreds of videos of people trying their hands at off-the-wall DIY car projects. Some of these projects work, and some of them don't.

File this Russian's attempt to use 600 roles of electrical tape as a tire replacement under the "doesn't work" pile.

Sure, the whole thing did make for a pretty interesting experiment, but anyone could pretty much guess right from the jump that the end result of this little project was going to be the tape getting absolutely shredded at the moment of acceleration. It was a valiant effort though, and he got some decent footage out of it.

Read More: This Russian Car Guru Shows What Happens When You Drive with Tires Made of 3,000 Nails -- Just Check out the Footage!

Now, if you get a flat and don't happen to have a spare with you, having a boatload of electrical tape on hand may be good for getting you, I don't know, 100 feet? So there's that. But, in all honestly, you'd probably be better off just calling AAA or even just driving on the flat.

If you want to check out some more videos other from the Garage 54 ENG channel though, this guy does do a lot of interesting projects, from the awesome to the straight-up off-the-wall.

Take this rubber chicken exhaust mod, for example.

Then there's this other tire replacement experiment (this dude really loves messing around with tires), where he uses 25,000 rubber bands instead of tires. How does he even come up with this stuff?

What crazy experiment will this guy think up next?

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