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Massive Car Graveyard Has 24,000 Classics and Supercars

What if I told you that, in the city of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates, there are tons and tons of abandoned cars just gathering dust in a car graveyard? Well, consider this as me, telling you, that such a glorified junkyard does, in fact, exist.

These aren't just any old cars, mind you. This ain't clunker central. You've got everything from expensive BMWs to classic Mustangs to top-of-the-line Buicks to everything in between. In other words, this is a car lover's paradise.

How does such a majestic place come to be? Well, according to StoryTrender, the cars were all abandoned by their owners, most of them likely being UAE expats who defaulted on their loans and needed a some place to ditch their rides before they got the hell out of dodge.

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"Supercars, luxury cars, vintage cars, classic cars, you can find all of them here," said 25-year-old YouTuber Mohsin Latif, who took video of the graveyard. "I don't have any idea how old they are but these are some of the most expensive cars. Ferrari, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Lamborghini, Range Rover, Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Mustang, any car you want, you'll get it in this scrapyard."

"I believe this is the biggest scrapyard market in UAE because I haven't seen any other market bigger than this one. People come here from different countries to buy car spare parts at half prices."

Sure, a lot of these rides look like they were caught in a sandstorm and that they need a few dozen car washes before being street presentable, but a decent amount of them are actually in pristine condition. You could also definitely find more than your fair share of serviceable parts here that wouldn't break the bank.

All I'm saying is that if you were seriously tempted to book that next flight to Sharjah to see what this car graveyard is working with, I wouldn't blame you.

This post was originally published on June 13, 2019.

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