Hit and Run Driver Drags Motorcycle
YouTube: ViralHog

Hit-and-Run Driver Drags Motorcycle on Highway

When you see the words "sparks fly," they're usually not meant in the most literal sense. But, after watching the below video of a wild hit-and-run incident in Corona, California, you'll see that sparks actually flew, and it made for a seriously wild scene.

On June 20, 2020, 25-year-old George Valentin was arrested for felony hit-and-run, after the minivan driver sped on the 91 Freeway with a motorcycle wrapped around his bumper. The incident was filmed by Natalie Duran and Will Ross, and as you can hear from the footage, they were definitely a little bit shaken up.


"I saw a van coming up behind us with sparks flying and then we caught this passing us by," reads the video's official description. "A hit and run driver in Corona smashed into a motorcycle, pinning it under his bumper and dragging it off the highway. We doubled back to see if we could find him but he had run his car into a fence and presumably took off running. It looked straight out of a movie, we could not believe it, we hope the motorcyclist is okay!"

The motorcyclist, Chain Arunritthirot, did end up being relatively okay, as he suffered no serious injuries. While he did complain about pain in his arms and legs, it's shocking that's all that ended up happening, considering Chain said he landed about 200 feet away from the crash in the middle of the freeway. On top of that, he was apparently traveling at 65 MPH when the minivan hit him going around 70 MPH.

"I was like oh this guy did try to kill me!" Arunritthirot told CBS. "I feel like it was intentional, like he hunted me down."

After watching the above video, two things are certain: 1) George Valentin deserves serious jail time and 2) Chain Arunritthirot is lucky to be alive.

This post was originally published on June 25, 2020.

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