drunk driver crash

Security Footage Shows Extreme Drunk Driving Crash in Belgium

This right here is video proof of why driving drunk is never, EVER worth it.

In video recently by Belgian authorities, a 24-year-old driver from Poland is shown driving his Audi through the streets of Roeselare, Belgium the weekend before New Year's Eve, just moments after blowing right through a drunk driving checkpoint.

Of course, police immediately made chase, because the last you need during the holiday season, or any time for that matter, is a drunk driver on the loose. Unfortunately for the would-be fugitive, he didn't get very far. And, as you can see from the footage, the manner in which he was stopped wasn't all that pretty.

According to Focus WTV, the drunk driver was arrested shortly after crashing straight into a retractable bollard (in case you were wondering what these things were called, well, now you know).

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As local news pointed out, the driver was officially found to be driving under the influence and ended up losing his license for 15 days. To be honest, that seems like a pretty lenient punishment considering the circumstances, but I guess that's just how they do things in Belgium. This guy's lucky he wasn't driving through the U.S when this happened, because he very well could've gotten jail time, or, at the very least, been put on probation.

Now, I'm not sure what the Polish driver's New Year's resolution ended up being, or if he even has one, but hopefully he decides that 2019 is the year to lay low and just order an Uber after a night of serious drinking.

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