Lawnmower liquor store

Man Riding Lawn Mower Through Drive-thru Liquor Store Is an American Hero

In my humble opinion, one of the best inventions in modern American history the history of the world is the drive-thru liquor store. More than half of the states in the great US of A have them, and, honestly, I'm really shocked that all 50 haven't jumped on board at this point. Not all that surprisingly, Kentucky is one of the states to have drive-thru liquor stores, and you can bet that most of the folks there take full advantage of the convenience.

But, you probably won't find a single person in Kentucky, or maybe even the country, who is more suited for the existence of a drive-thru liquor store than the guy in the above video who rolled up to a House of Bourbon store in a freakin' lawn mower.

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Here's a brief description of this wonderful scene, according to the person who uploaded it.

Per Rumble/ViralHog:

"I pulled into the House of Bourbon liquor store. As I drove around the building to the drive-thru, I was shocked at what I saw in front of me. A man was on a lawnmower was being handed a case of beer through the drive-thru. I immediately started videotaping."

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Right here, this is a man living his best life. Maybe he just got done mowing his lawn and was really in a rush to grab some post-work beverages. Hell, maybe that lawn mower is the guy's only mode of transportation. It doesn't really matter. He's a gentleman and a patriot either way.

Cheers to you, good sir. May you enjoy every Bud Light from now until the end of your days.

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