Danica Patrick needs to fix this moving forward

In Jeff Gluck's always entertaining 12 Questions column, Danica Patrick was asked questions ranging from whether she is in NASCAR due to natural ability or hard work to who she last texted. One of the best answers, however, came from a simple question about what she wishes she could improve about herself.

Patrick answered honestly, saying she can be too mean sometimes.

"I always kind of think to myself, 'Be nicer.'" She responded. "But it's just that my reaction to someone, if they're not perfectly nice, is so ridiculous and over-the-top-mean that no one ever remembers the first blow. So yeah, I wish I could tone that down just a little bit. It doesn't need to be so aggressive."

Wanting her to clarify, Gluck asked if she matches other's rudeness.

"Oh, no, no. I don't even match." She answered. "You can't even remember the first mean when you get done with my mean. And I wish I could tone that down a little."

Remind us not to mess with Danica!

Related: Danica Patrick is preparing for the inevitable