Danica Patrick's final day on the NASCAR track, in pictures

Danica Patrick didn't go out the way she wanted. She wrecked at the Daytona 500 and that's how her NASCAR career came to an end.

But she clearly soaked up the day -- great for her! -- and here's how her day went, in photos.

She said goodbye to fans ...

 Sarah Crabill/Getty Images

... and posed with one that dressed just like her

She spent some time with Jimmie Johnson and his little girls ...

 Robert Laberge/Getty Images

...and he thanked her

Her new man, Aaron Rodgers, showed up for support

 Jared C. Tilton/Getty Images

This is a great shot of Danica waving to the crowd

And this is how her racing career ended

Jerry Markland/Getty Images

The car was badly damaged

And she left with a message for all of those who have supported her over the years