Here is the first look of what fans can expect from the new Roval at Charlotte

Next year's playoff race at Charlotte Motor Speedway will look considerably different due to the course's new design, and fans can now catch of glimpse of what to expect at the new Roval.

The Roval is basically a hybrid between a traditional oval track and a road course. There are currently no road courses in the playoffs, and the original proposal for the change at the track was to make it a road course. But that would've been more expensive for the teams, so they altered the proposal and decided on the Roval.

Here's a tire testing on the Roval, and fans can see what to expect for next season.

Related: A playoff track is undergoing a major renovation for next year

The Roval is 2.4 miles long and has 13 turns.

It will certainly be a challenge for drivers and will be tough to adapt to since the drivers will have never raced on the course before. The design is unique and challenging, and it should be a fun race during the 2018 playoffs.