NASCAR's president tells a track president to mind his business, and that's unusual

To say you don't see this everyday is an understatement.

The president of NASCAR publicly slammed the Texas Motor Speedway president over what seems to be a fairly innocuous tweet.

Eddie George, the speedway president, noted that there were no Friday events at Martinsville, and said: "This just seems wrong. Friday & no Cup practice or qualifying? If I like something, I want more, not less." He finished with the hashtag, #AmIRight?

That did not sit well with NASCAR president Brent Dewar, who fired back.

"You know better. There is NOT less, just different days. You might want to focus on your event next weekend."

Thin skinned? Seems like it.

If NASCAR really has a complaint about an fairly benign tweet, it should handle it privately, and not look petty by getting in a Twitter spat.