Ford tips its ambitious plans for the future in a patent

Autonomous vehicles are officially going to be everywhere once Ford gets the technology for its new autonomous car project worked out.

According to MotorTrend, Ford filed a patent for an autonomous off-road driving system that independently analyzes obstacles before judging if the vehicle is able to make it over them. The whole system is operated by a processor that controls the active suspension system.

The sensors that control the vehicle will even be able to determine if the passengers should get out before the car moves forward. However, nothing has been ironed out at this point. The whole system is still in the theoretical stage, and it's even unclear what type of sensors the autonomous system will use to detect its surroundings.

But if it does end up debuting on some future vehicle, it'll mean no more worrying about bottoming your truck out on your next camping trip.

Related: Ford factories are leading us towards the robot revolution