NASCAR reportedly trying to save rides for two of its most popular drivers

Darrell Wallace Jr. -- Bubba to his fans -- needs a sponsor for 2018 if he wants to ride in the No. 43 for Richard Petty Motorsports. Danica Patrick need a sponsor if she wants to ride -- anywhere.

So far, either of them have found a sponsor, and now, NASCAR is getting involved.

The Sports Business Journal, in a tweet, reports that NASCAR is trying to help find sponsors for both.

This makes complete sense and is an excellent move on NASCAR's part. With, arguably, it's most popular driving -- Dale Earnhart Jr. -- leaving for the broadcast booth, NASCAR needs Patrick and Wallace in the sport. It needs Patrick because she's a marketing machine who appeals to women of all ages; they need the 23-year-old Wallace in its continued efforts to diversify its audience.

Maybe this is the push both need to stay in the sport next year.