NASCAR drivers give thanks for what's really important

Say what you will about NASCAR drivers, they pretty much get where racing stacks up in the grand scheme of life. That much is clear in some interviews posted to YouTube.

Granted, the drivers interviewed - Kevin Harvick, Kyle Busch and Martin Truex, Jr. - are a small sampling, but it's pretty safe that they speak for most of the drivers in racing.

"I'm really thankful for the fact that I have a healthy family," said Harvick. "You see so many people that deal with so many things, but to have DeLana and Keelan, and especially since DeLana and I have had Keelan, it's just given us a different perspective on your outlook of life and the way you approach things and how you deal with things and I think that's been for the better."

Kyle Busch didn't have the finish to his season that he wanted, but he knows he is a very fortunate guy.

"I've got to be thankful for my wife Samantha and my son Brexton and the things they do for me at home as well as on the road and abroad, traveling every single weekend out of the year," Busch said. "I know it's tough on them, but they're always there."

To a man, none of the drivers talked about racing first when asked about being thankful. Even the man who had the best season of his career puts it all in perspective.

"Most importantly, Sherry is doing really well with her treatments and getting healthy and hopefully getting on the end of that deal," said Truex, Jr. "Hopefully we'll never have to hear the words cancer from her doctors again."