Formula 1 changes means blistering speeds that keep getting faster

Racing is about more than just speed. There, I've said it.

Teams across all forms of racing will tell you that the fastest car doesn't always win. It takes strategy and finesse and a whole bunch of other things going right to take the checkered flag.

But boy, speed is just awesome. Fans get giddy when a closer in baseball tops 100 mph. Forget that he can't throw anything but fastballs. He's got heat!

NASCAR has been working for years on the right blend of speed and safety. For all their 700 HP, restrictor plates are keeping speeds in check at an average of 200 mph. IndyCar has found a sweet spot thanks to refined aerodynamics and the turbo V-6. Speeds there are topping 230 mph.

The is reporting that Formula 1 is seeing some of their fastest times in years. The pole position time for the 2017 Singapore Grand Prix was over 6 seconds faster than the pole time in 2014. That's huge. Thanks to a great youtube video posted by Juzh123, you get a driver's perspective running the course at Singapore's Marina Bay Circuit to see what a 6 second difference looks like.

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So what accounts for the faster time? Formula 1 changed it's rules for engines after the 2013 season, opting to go the way of IndyCar and the 1.6 liter V-6 turbo instead of the V-8. Engine efficiency has also improved, as has the aerodynamic down force, thanks to wider, lower wings and the addition of tails.

The next Formula 1 ruleset change is in 2021. Can't wait to see what improvements come about to make the racing even more exciting.