Watch a car get totally swept away with the Santa Barbara mudslides

Severe weather just won't let up in parts of California including Santa Barbara Country, which has been devastated by wildfires and, most recently, heavy rain. This torrential downpour has caused dangerous mudslides which have already claimed the lives of 17 people and destroyed 100 homes so far.

Firefighters from Burbank, California shared footage with the CBS affiliate in Sacramento showing a grey Toyota Prius being pushed downhill by thick, muddy water and debris.

It's hard to tell the from the footage, but it's likely there was someone behind the wheel as the car is clearly running and has the headlights and wipers on. The slide looks to be somewhat controlled, and we can only hope the driver was able to get out safely. Many miles of highway have been closed down as the muddy water has all but taken over. For more information on the dangers of mudslides check out this link.

Related: The California wildfires are so devastating it looks like driving through hell