Former racing champion, already facing 20 years in once case, gets indicted in another

Former American Le Mans Series driver Scott Tucker is in a world of legal hurt.

Tucker, who has more than 100 wins on the racetrack, has now been indicted for failing to report $42.5 million from his payday loan business on his 2008 tax return and another $75 million on his 2011 return, according to an indictment that was reported in the Kansas City Star.

Tucker was indicted on one count of filing a false tax return, according to U.S. Attorney Tom Beall. He and his accountant also face a conspiracy charge.

This is just the latest in a long line of legal troubles for the former race car driver.

A federal judge in Nevada found Tucker guilty in 2016 of deceiving payday lending customers and owing to the Federal Trade Commission about $1.2 billion. And in October, federal jurors in New York found Tucker and his former lawyer guilty of predatory lending for charging customers 700 percent interest.

Tucker faces 20 years in prison on the New York charges, and is due to be sentenced on Jan. 5.

Tucker set up his businesses on American Indian tribal lands in order to evade state regulation on interested rates.

Tucker participated in the United SportsCar Championship for his Level 5 Motorsports.