Readers tell Camping World CEO -- buzz off (and, they weren't that polite)

Camping World CEO Marcus Lemonis set off a firestorm when he criticized the White House for a "horrific" response to Charlottsville, and then told fans who sided with the president that he didn't want their business.

Just as he delivered a message, our readers have sent him a message that's unmistakable -- and much of it can't be printed since maybe of the phrase rhyme with "duck." Just a few of the more than 1,000 responses are below, but Lemonis has gotten an overwhelming middle finger from those who  elected to comment.

Roger-Lynette Patton Sorry dude, you drained your own black tank, now wallow in it. It's one thing to take a political stance, it's quite something else to dare those whose politics differ from yours to shop in your business. Gander Mountain, Camping World will join Starbucks, Target and several others on my "no-go zone".

Pat Offenberger The head of Camping World made his opinion of Trump very clear last year, before the election. Maybe he wants out of NASCAR, Brian France was a very visable Trump supporter. His request that Trump supporters not patronize his business is pointless, there's lots of RV dealers.

Joe Bruce Camping world you just lost me as a loyal customer Marcus you suck as a human. Look at your Democrat rich friends. President Trump had nothing to do with that. Glad you showed face I will never spend another dollar

Alan Richards He had (a) right to his opinion and I have a right to spend my money elsewhere. These idiots seem to think they can piss on the people who keep them in business!

Wes Vernon Who Cares there are other places to buy camping supplies. Say bye-bye to my money and more importantly my recommendation to anyone that needs item from their stores. And when you feel the economic pinch remember it was your mouth that turned away your customers....

Lemonis has joined that chorus of critics who paint Trump's response to Charlottsville as weak, and said he's  "horrified" by what he's seen coming out of the White House. He then went one step further:

"There's no doubt that there is probably not many consumers in this country today that are in favor of what has been said in the last couple days and if they are, quite frankly, don't shop at my business," Lemonis said on CNBC's "The Profit."

Here are his full  remarks: