Biker Rescues Kitten From Busy Intersection

This kitten is extremely lucky the biker was paying attention! While waiting at a busy intersection for her light to turn, this woman noticed a kitten suddenly appear in the middle of traffic! It fell from beneath the undercarriage of a passing red sedan. It took the biker a moment to realize it wasn't a leaf or some random debris as the kitten ran back and forth completely terrified and confused!

The biker found a moment in traffic to hop off her bike and scoop the kitten up. Luckily there was a kind bystander to hold the kitten while she then moved her bike out of the intersection.

The kitten is now doing fine and staying with the biker who rescued it. It turns out it's a "he" who's now named, appropriately enough, Skidmark.

Even GoPro reached out to this traffic hero and is sending her a care package as a thank you for her concern!