A secondhand bike somehow competed with the pros

Peter Olivier competed in the 2016 AMA Supermoto Pro Lites Championship and his journey needs to be featured in Disney's next inspirational underdog movie.

According to Jalopnik, Olivier found motivation from Bill Caswell's $500 Craigslist rally build and decided to take the same methodology to the Supermoto track. He tracked down a $1,600 bike on Craigslist and took it up against some more expensive competition at the track. With an $1,000 engine rebuild and a few minor tweaks the bike was ready to race.

Building the bike was apparently only half the battle, with tons of time and expense going into actually getting to each of the six races. At one point, Olivier and his cadre of independents were stopped in Kansas by some overzealous cops searching for, um, "contraband" coming out of Colorado. Apparently, a trailer filled with bikes and parts is the preferred method for smuggling pot in middle America.

When all was said and done, Olivier's Craigslist find helped him place 8th in the Championship series. Not too shabby.

Related: $600 Craigslist Jeep Conquers MOAB No Problem