An army of yellow cars invaded a village in a show of solidarity

84 year old Peter Maddox lives in the picturesque town of Bibury, England. The town is recognized as having the most beautiful and most photographed cottages in the country.

A retired dentist, Maddox owned a yellow Vauxhall Corsa hatchback which gained fame, or notoriety depending on who you ask. Even the town's website makes mention of the car "Photobombing" the famous cottages.

According to the Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard, Maddox's car was vandalized for ruining the town's aesthetic. Like a scene out of the movie "Hot Fuzz," someone was so angry that the yellow car was ruining the view, they took matters into their own hands, busting out two windows and scratching "Freddie Move" into the hood.

Jalopnik reports that, although he planned on replacing the car with a lime green model, he eventually relented and bought a grey car so as not to "antagonize" anyone.

Now, the yellow car community has taken up the fight for him, according to the BBC. To show support for the man's dearly departed Corsa, 100 yellow cars paraded through the village. Maddox was reportedly "overwhelmed" by the support.

Video of the awesome yellow parade can be seen on Yahoo news.

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