Alaska fans gather to watch cars fly through the air and crash

What's the most American thing you can imagine? Is it a loud parade of spray-painted cars flying off a cliff? Because, yes, that is the most U.S. of A. thing imaginable.

Arnie Hrncir got together with the good people of Glacier View, Alaska, to celebrate the Fourth by launching three cars, including a Ford van that went AWOL and crashed into a bulldozer of a 300 foot cliff near the picturesque Matanuska Glacier. Arnie's son, Dustin Hrncir said it best:

"Any little kid's dream is to roll a rock down a hill. This is times 10"

The event drew 550 guests, because, well, flying cars, and also included an obscene amount of food, 500 pounds of pork, beef, and chicken, and an airplane flyover.

At least something is going well in this country.