Watch thieves jump off a moving car's roof and into a truck

You would think this video was part of a trailer for the next James Bond movie but in reality, it's footage of thieves trying to steal cell phones and laptops.  After around $300,000 in electronics were stolen from multiple postal trucks in Sweden, officials installed cameras in the cargo area to catch thieves in the act. What they recorded was nothing short of amazing.

Jalopnik reported that the information contained here came from the company's website.

The footage shows two thieves entering the back of the truck, and if you look close, you can see the truck is moving. The thieves are standing on the hood of their getaway vehicle as it's traveling at around 50 mph. They cut the lock to the rear doors and hop right in. After not finding what they were looking for they make their exit by jumping back on the hood of the car and even closing the truck's door.

In the second clip, we see the sting operation set up by the security team at PostNord, the mail company the owns the trucks. Again the thieves enter the truck from the rear doors while jumping off a moving vehicle. This time the truck comes to a stop before they can get away and police apprehend the dare devil robbers.

The Associated Press reported that four men were convicted and sentenced to 21 months in prison.