Reportedly fed up with a tailgater, so called "good driver" was arrested and hit with jail time

Sang Yook spent 48 hours in jail and paid a $300 fine after an aircraft spotted the driver blazing down the highway at 139 miles per hour, 69 miles over the speed limit of 70 in a 2014 BMW Z4.

His reasoning, according to Maine State Police, was a vehicle came "right up on his tail," so he accelerated.

"It was a very short spurt, that was it," Yook said, via "It's not like I was speeding all day."

Yook said the arresting officers "were very rude, brutal."

"I tried to reason with them, but (a trooper) rushed towards me and arrested me," he said. "I was really surprised that he had arrested me. I think I'm a good driver."

The pilot of the aircraft made a call down to the ground and Yook pulled over upon seeing the cruiser. According to the report, Yook got out of his car and asked for a "break," refused to get back in and was arrested for criminal speed.

He could not make bail and spent the night in jail.