Want to avoid Thanksgiving traffic? Google has an easy tool for you.

Thanksgiving, a holiday synonymous with food, family, and just so much traffic. Well, Google has stepped in to help with the last part, compiling data from last year's holiday to help you avoid traffic jams when you're trying to get to a house where you can stuff your face with turkey and cranberries.

The data has also painted a picture of what people tend to care about on turkey day. For instance, in Atlanta, Thanksgiving might bring you to a department store or to hunt for furniture and electronics, while in Philadelphia you're apparently going to end up at discount store at some point.

To find out about traffic trends in your area, check out this   interactive map where you can more search trends in your city.

Turns out the best time to hit the actual road, if you can manage it, is on Thanksgiving, when most people will already be tucked into a plate of some sort at home, so if you can manage to hold off on travel until America's favorite day to binge eat, it'll definitely be worth it.

Black Friday is a whole different beast though.

(H/T: Aimée Lutkin)