best and worst driver by state

Yes, You’re a Bad Driver If You’re from These States. Michigan, We’ve Got Good News for You!

It may be a fun activity and a great way to get from point A to point B, but the cold hard truth is that driving a car happens to be one of the most dangerous things you can do. That being said, not every road and not every driver in America are on the same level. If you've done your fair share of traveling around the great US of A, you probably know that drivers in some states are definitely worse than others.

While there may be no universal metric to separate the good drivers from the bad, the folks over at QuoteWizard put together their own list ranking all 50 states from worst to best drivers, using a whole host of useful data and analytics.

Quote Wizard

Here's the full list, and if you happen to be from the great state of Maine, we apologize in advance.

1. Maine
2. South Carolina
3. Nebraska
4. California
5. North Dakota
6. Minnesota
7. Idaho
8. Ohio
9. Utah
10. Washington
11. Vermont
12. Maryland
13. Oregon
14. Virginia
15. Georgia
16. Wyoming
17. Wisconsin
18. North Carolina
19. New Hampshire
20. Iowa
21. Delaware
22. Massachusetts
23. Kansas
24. New Jersey
25. Alaska
26. Colorado
27. Tennessee
28. Hawaii
29. Connecticut
30. Louisiana
31. Montana
32. Indiana
33. New Mexico
34. New York
35. South Dakota
36. Alabama
37. Texas
38. Pennsylvania
39. Missouri
40. Florida
41. Kentucky
42. Rhode Island
43. West Virginia
44. Arkansas
45. Nevada
46. Illinois
47. Arizona
48. Oklahoma
49. Mississippi
50. Michigan

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Remember those data and analytics we talked about earlier? Well, for anyone who's curious as to how Quote Wizard came up with its rankings, the insurance news site also happened to provide the methodology they used for the study.

Per Quote Wizard:

We sampled incident data (with more than two million data points) from the users of our website and juxtaposed it to Federal Highway Administration fatality data. To quantify overall driver standards for comparison, we weighted various incident totals for each state with its occurrence percentage. The rankings are a sum of weighted means calculated from these incidents:

Speeding tickets

With that methodology in mind, states like Maine ended up so high on the list due to an astronomical increase in crashes and traffic citations, while Michigan boasted the best drivers due to a significant decrease in citations and accident fatalities when compared to 2017.

Where does your state fall on the list? Let us know on Facebook!

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