Dad goes all out for his daughter and builds the most incredible space-aged RV



"I've seen space ships that are less complex."

He may be right.

Bran Ferran, an early candidate for Father of the Year, has built this space-age RV so he could take his 4-year-old daughter exploring (I guess a camper wouldn't do, huh?).

All Photos via Applied Minds LLC, Pinterest

The KiraVan - named after his daughter - weighs an insane 51,000 pounds, and Maxim provided some more details.  The truck-and trailer combo is built on a Mercedes Unimog chassis. Its 260hp, 700-lb-ft. turbodiesel inline six-cylinder engine driving all four wheels. It's not fast - the trailer's six-wheel drive speed tops out at 25MPH. It has a range of 2,000 miles.

But it is designed for comfort and safety, as three people can travel anywhere in the world at temperatures that range from - 30 to 130 degrees F.

I guess building her a dollhouse was out of the question.

Here's the Youtube description:

Glimpse the assembly of just one piece of the giant puzzle that is KiraVan - the front dash and center console. More closely resembling the cockpit of a military jet than an RV, miles of wiring have to be installed to control all the systems in the vehicle. At the cutting edge of technology, custom features include multiple radios, touch screens, still and video cameras, tools for exploration including physical and chemical analysis, and situational awareness sensors. There is nothing like KiraVan on the road today.