What could have caused this spontaneous fireball?


Here's an homage to the experiments about running an engine without oil. This driver is just making his/her way down I-285 when the car next to him/her erupts into flames!

There's no real way to tell exactly why the car decided to flambé itself on the interstate, but the smoke coming out just before the flames sure is reminiscent of the earlier video from Hot Rod Network, showing an engine running on no oil.

If that's the case, then this poor, probably auto illiterate, soul is facing an engine swap due to a few thrown rods.

But even if the driver's car was perfectly maintained, Highways around the Southeast have a tendency to spontaneously erupt into fiery infernos of car-themed mayhem, so, you know, be careful out there.

On a side note, fix that time stamp!

Related: Truck Carrying O2 Explodes On Atlanta Highway