This woman will never trust an autonomous car again after this demonstration

It's always important to remember that machines are fallible, and Murphy's law is a cliche for a reason. So, when you're testing the auto-braking system of a new car, it's probably a good idea to not use your own body as the object in front of the car.

That's exactly what happened when an announcer at an auto-show in Sichuan, China decided to personally showcase the advanced "braking" system equipped on the car being displayed. Things being what they are, and the whole Murphy's law thing, everything didn't turn exactly as planned, and the woman in front of the car ended up in a very dangerous position.

Fortunately, according to, the woman wasn't seriously harmed. Still, she probably is done standing in front of cars for the foreseeable future.

As far as assigning blame is concerned, the show's organizers are attributing fault to operator error. According to a statement published on Mashable:

"We are deeply sorry over problems in operation and management, which led to this event. We will tighten our control and management of this situation, so this will not happen again."

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